Drum melters for adhesive, bitumen and butyl application
Drum melters for adhesive, bitumen and butyl application
Specially engineered for your needs – including butyl and bitumen application
Specially engineered for your needs – including butyl and bitumen application
We can adapt our drum melters to optimum effect to meet your requirements thanks to a large number of different pumps such as gear, eccentric worm screw and scoop piston pumps as well as various melting plates. Our drum melters are not only used for applying hot melt adhesives but also for butyl and bitumen.
Feel free to contact us at any time!
Feel free to contact us at any time!
SM Klebetechnik Vertriebs GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Str. 19a
D-52525 Heinsberg
Phone +49 (0) 24 52 / 91 72-0
Email: info@sm-klebetechnik.de
For the application of high-viscosity adhesives such as butyl and bitumen
For the application of high-viscosity adhesives such as butyl and bitumen
Tandem and individual systems for the application of butyl and bitumen as well as for the use of other pasty media in 20 and 200-litre drums
For cable masses, greases and lubricants
For cable masses, greases and lubricants
Temperature-controlled drum emptying systems for cable masses, greases and lubricants